Membrane sweep? Advice PLEASE♡

I'm 38 weeks 5 days. Being induced the night of the 25th. Today I had a check up and I'm 2 cm dilated, with my last baby she never mentioned a membrane but this time at this check up when she checked my cervix it seemed a little more uncomfortable than when she had done it before like my wole body was just like no and usually when she checks my cervix it isn't that uncomfortable, and then she said something about my membrane is still intact. Does that mean she didnt do a sweep? I should've asked but we hadnt talked about her sweeping my membranes at all. I know it sounds silly I just have no clue. ALSO- TMI- but I just had sex with my SO I went into the bathroom to pee as usual and I noticed this really thick, chunky white stuff. Discharge? Idk I think I noticed it earlier after she checked me when I was wiping everything off but I didnt even think about it. This has never happened to me so I'm not sure so I googled it and what it looked like and apparently it sounds like a yeast infection which I've never had but until this morning when she checked me I never noticed that kind of discharge so I'm confused. Can it happen that quick? I cant call them because they're closed until after Christmas. I dont itch and nothing has been hurting but now I'm a little freaked out and not sure what to do or how to go about it as I've never dealt with it before. So any women with any advice or anything let me know please. 🙏🤦🏽‍♀️ I know it sounds gross and I'm so embarrassed but I'm not really sure if this is normal after a check up or not.