Bad dream scary ..

I had a scary dream it wasn’t about my baby or man. It was about my coworker & it kind of scared me.. it was about me finding a good bit of money at my old job but my current coworkers were there & one of my coworkers kept following me & the he got his friend girl to help him & they killed everyone I tried to get to help me & eventually me also.. I’m so disturbed tbh it’s making me sad I don’t want to keep having these vivid nightmares, I say that bc yesterday night I had one about my man cheating & like not caring that I saw on ft & I threw a fit like a long ass fit a horrible one I think I probably was moving in my sleep idk I woke from that one & my heart was beating fast. These dreams are making me so sad I’m crying right now .. making sleep not enjoyable for me. If there is a way to fix this please do tell I just wanna sleep peacefully..