Emotional support from spouse during TTC

Bonnie • 34 ♏ | Married | TTC for 👶 #1 | Dog Mom 🐾

How involved did your partner want to be during the beginning stage of your TTC journey? Do you ever announce to them when you're about to go pee on an LH strip or HCG strip?

Just told my husband I plan to take pregnancy test this weekend and asked if he thinks he'd want to be there with me or if not, and if I should just tell him later? I was surprisingly disappointed he didn't care to watch me dip the strip into the pee and wait the 5 minutes with me. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive today and overthinking but then I asked when should I tell you then, like when I see you around the house next and not busy, or like if you're playing video games should I interrupt or wait? Wait when you're not busy/not playing on phone and in a good mood? And he got a little flustered because I was getting emotional. He said whatever I want. But now I feel like maybe I can't handle his reaction and might want to do it alone. I know after multiple cycles it probably won't be a big deal anymore but this is our first cycle and it's kind of special to me because I've put so much effort into learning, logging/tracking and planning for the past year.

Big picture background: We're in our first cycle of TTC and I'm 8 DPO. Have been together for over 13 years, married for almost 5 years, and are each other's best friend. He is so supportive of me in so many ways, except it's been kind of confusing for me this past year about trying for our first baby. I'm 34 and he knows I want to have at least one child in this lifetime and that we shouldn't wait any longer or else we might miss the chance. He turns 36 in 5 months. We have a house, financially stable, etc. He explains his standpoint is: Small picture - not ready/not excited for a baby, but big picture - wants one at some point and understands that point is NOW. He explained he's on board and will raise it with me when its born, but just isn't excited about the process of conception and pregnancy. Is this pretty common? He also said puppies are cuter than babies, ugh.

My period is due in 1 week but I'm hyper-aware of my current symptoms and not sure if it's normal PMS soI've been making clear notes in my app (vivid dreams, extreme sore boobs, runny/stuffy nose and postnasal drip, etc.)

Thanks for letting me vent, I don't know what I'd do without the support of this community!