Abortion 🙁 I think I’m 3-4 weeks pregnant

I’m only 19 years old and I’m not stable and I barely have money for another baby.. I recently gave birth in September of 2020 and found out yesterday .. because I went to plan parent hood to get the birth control shot for the first time because literally my obgyn and any other place had appointment till this date mind you I made this appointment in November and my appointment was January 🙃 I went inside the clinic of the idea of what options should I do the iud, pills, or shot (etc) I take a urine test and the doctor come inside and tells me i came out positive and my heart dropped 😓 I was sweating and the women literally told me i can abort or give it to adoption or just keep it. And I didn’t know what to feel .. my emotion was all over the place .. I told my sister and she was shocked and asked me what am I going to do and I thought it was right to abort it because I already have a 4 month baby .. I know I’m going to get judge and all but I can’t a bring another baby to this world and let them suffer .. I cried the whole day because if I was stable I would of kept it but I have to think about my child first .. all I know I prayed and cry to the point I ran out of tears .. my appointment for the abortion is the 14 and I feel scare .. has anyone experienced this ? Anyone please comment tell me anything (no negative comment) I already want to die