Ovulation, test and Glow App


Okay ladies, I need your help. Sorry for the length.

Just a little background...last year I finally started having regular periods (almost exactly 30 days apart...FINALLY) as of September. Ovulation has always been difficult to track until then.

So, my last period was December 15th, with my ovulation week being December 27th-January 2) highest percentages NYE and New Year's Day. Prior to any of this, my honey and I pretty much have sex every day like newlyweds, so of course it continued all the way through my ovulation. NYE was AMAZING ☺

The confusion comes in, because the app now shows that I was also ovulating on January 5th, which I don't believe is correct.

In the meantime, I am losing my fucking mind waiting to test LOL...

I had a miscarriage a long time ago and the circumstance surrounding it really messed me up for a really long time...so I never tried again. But life got better for me so we're definitely trying now.

When is a good date to test? I was thinking 15 DPO but I was worried that it may be too soon.