Christian Nationalism and the separation of church and state


I’m getting irritated with this growing myth in the U.S. that our country is founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Not only were most of the founding fathers deists ( believe in a higher power but that they were hands off after creation). They intentionally worded our constitution to make sure government was as secular as possible. In the original draft Jefferson only included the word “god” once. I believe the phrasing was like “mans god given rights” not referring to a deity but more as descriptor to rights all men are entitled to regardless of social standing (however those rights did not include women or non-white men). Upon revision of the document i believe only four other references to god were included by other members of the committee. Most references to god in our government documents didn’t start to be included until the 1950’s as propaganda to distance American beliefs from communist countries, mainly Russia.

This falsehoods, i think are directly contributing to the implementation of laws that directly infringe on the rights of others. Women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, as well as other minorities. The religious documents people use to justify these laws are rife with sexism, slavery ( the bible was used to confirm slavery during civil war as being permissible by the south), rape and the murder of those different than the authors. And if we as a country truly held to these beliefs back in the late 1700’s, we never would have fought for our independence (see Romans 13: 1-7). I personally believe that this country was founded on secular beliefs, if not beliefs that were specifically anti Judeo-Christian.