My birth story!


My due date was 01/03/2020. I wanted my baby out around Christmas ( I was OVER being pregnant) well new year’s night around 11 pm I drank midwives brew(I don’t recommend I’ll get in to why) . By 3 am I was in labor! My contractions started progressing RAPIDLY. I left my home around 5:30 am to the hospital. I was only two centimeters 😖 but they kept me because my contractions were so bad ( I was having +200 contractions at 2 centimeters 😭) I literally had diarrhea and began to vomit everywhere. I wanted to have a more natural birth so they gave me a pain killer cocktail which made me loopy and fall in and out of sleep with really bad contractions, which I hated because every time I woke up I was in pain. Around 9am I finally asked for an epidural 🙌. Which helped a lot. It slowed my labor down so I don’t know if I would do that again either. I slept that rest of my labor pretty much 😂. Well 4:45pm my epidural had worn off mostly and I was ready to push. As soon as the doctor came I could feel her head right there! I pushed about Six times and my baby girl Journi Mei was born 01/02/2020❤️

On to midwives brew!


-it does work!


- you will have diarrhea

-I was having BAD contractions but not dilating

-threw up

-pooped all through labor (not 100% sure if that was due to MB)

On to my baby girl