Sleep training - day 3 is worse than day 1?!?!

I am trying to help my son learn to self settle. I am using the Ferber Method in conjunction with shushing and patting as he is used to being rocked to sleep. Day one was difficult and he cried for almost 50 minutes then day two he settled in half the time. On the third day it got worse and went back to day one and he was protesting a lot. Is this common?? I am sleep training because my son wakes up every hour after 12 am and I’m returning back to work soon please don’t judge me for trying to sleep train. Thank you!

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Yes, it is common for it to worse. But in a couple of days things should be getting way better! Hang in there Mama. It’s so worth it! I did it and finally feel like normal person again. Lol I just need to work on naps still!


Jacquelyn • Jan 15, 2021
If I didn't know any better I'd assume you were watching me LOL! I'm working from home with him so I'll nurse him in my bed and let him sleep as I answer emails. I thought he'd get the hang of it since night sleep was good.


Emily • Jan 14, 2021
It’s so bad that I’ve just holding her for naps or laying next to her in bed 😩 Sleep training for naps hasn’t been successful. I’ll try again soon though. I honestly thought it be easier since she sleeps at night now


Jacquelyn • Jan 14, 2021
SAME HERE! night time is great we are 3 weeks in and there is no crying. He sleeps 8pm-6:30am straight. But naps are the worst!!!


Posted at
No judgment at all!! We sleep trained a month ago- best thing we could have done for ourselves and for our child! I do remember the first three nights were rough. It went better from night 5 and since then he has been sleeping amazingly. You and your little one can do it - consistency is key. :)


Posted at
It’s normal. I sleep trained my son at 4 months and he is still sleeping through the night. Give it 2 weeks. I did the Ferber method as well.


Posted at
I don't remember to be honest. We sleep trained early on.