What do you do to stop tantrums

My lo has been throwing tantrums in public when I try to hold his hand...

At home I can distract him when he throws tantrums and give him something else to do but outside theres not much I can do

how do you guys stop ? He always wants his independence outside esp when we are near crosswalks etc !!

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So idk if this will work for you. But my daughter also used to throw tantrums when I would hold her hand in public. She would sit down and scream. I would let her have her scream and then I would tell her that we have to hold hands and do it again. Sometimes it would be 10 tantrums, but she finally learned that if she wanted to go anywhere I wouldn’t give in about not holding hands. So now she is much better. We still have tantrums sometimes about it, but she is much better.


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I tell my son he can choose to either hold my hand or be carried. And I follow through if he refuses to hold my hand. I meaaaan.. at some point it becomes a safety issue for us as we’re walking through parking lots/sidewalks near the road. Not about to let him just walk on his own 🤪


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So, you can’t really stop them once they’ve started. But the key to lessen the phase is to be consistent. They will yess and scream and it will be embarrassing. But the longer you give in the longer they will fight it the next time you enforce it.


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I think I might be a bad mom, because I carry my daughter everywhere when we are out. Haha. 😬 Even at 38 weeks pregnant. 🤦‍♀️