I am way to emotional

So my friend told me she is having an abortion. And normally I am fine shit I would drive her and be her person during it. But I dont know why I am so upset about this. I mean it doesn't matter to me. But my emotions are just everywhere about it. I know it's not my place to be upset. But when they told me my stomach flipped and now I am mad because her body is doing what lady bodys do and mine can't even have a normal cycle I want to be the one that's pregnant and she can have the broken body. AND YES I KNOW ITS NOT MY PLACE TO SAY ANYTHING SO I AM NOT!! I am just mad and frustrated and I needed to tell someone.

Lol update

So I took a pregnancy test and I am pregnant lol so I guess that why I was way too emotional. Lol 😭🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ I have been trying for 1.5 years.