The fact that he has something he loves that much is super attractive

My relationship is new, and he started bringing his dog to my house.

That dog is his everything, and get this. So usually I can’t stand dogs, this one however is so well trained and so well taken care of that I let her into my bed to cuddle us or just me because she’s warm and he bathes her and she smells like lavender and is extremely soft. Because of the food he feeds her which is high dollar, somehow it makes me not allergic to her. He’s allergic to dogs too but figured out a solution with her diet.

So I don’t get hives, she smells like sunshine and lavender and she’s so well trained that you can tell her to pee and she will pee on the spot lmfao. I have actually started to bond with her and I adore her. She’s baby.

That’s his baby, his actual baby y’all. He paints her toes. He brushes her teeth.

I have just realized that the fact that he takes such great care of something and loves it that much is extremely attractive. I don’t know why. But wow it’s attractive. It shows me he’s good at sticking to things. It shows he has patience. And she’s not like a pure bred dog she’s a mutt he adopted with like Pitt, german shepherd and something else yet she’s so well trained she knocks police dogs out of the park and he’s STILL training her for new things. Like right now, he’s training her to protect and if he says “watch her” and points at me, she won’t leave my side until he says. She can say “I love you.” And I think my favorite thing is when he says “sit pretty.” And she stands up on her back legs and puts her paws up all prissy lmfao

I love her and like to take her out for walks.

You might see videos of her on here because I’ve caught some that are hilarious. She is incredibly smart like she’s being put to her full potential being with him. I love this about him.