Need advice

We have a almost 5 month old puppy. Its becoming a lot to handle with a 6 month old. I have a 9 year old daughter who loves him so much but of course its me who does most of the work of taking care of him. He is not fully potty trained so that is another issue. I have to keep an eye on him every time he is out of his cage. I had post him for sale and someone wants to buy him but my daughter cries when we mention that someone might buy him. We talked to her but she still does not agree. Idk what to do!! I would like to sell him but seeing my daughter cry for him breaks my heart. What do you think? Sell it or not?

We bought the puppy because she really wanted one and would ask for one every day so we gave in and bought one. I didn’t want one we bought it for her and her desire to have one. Idk what I was thinking lol

UPDATE: we decided not to sell it. It hurt me to see her cry. She is happy. Wish me luck ladies!! My hands are FULL but i know when Im an old lady I will look back at this experience and laugh about it.