Spoiling a Newborn?



My baby is 4 weeks old . My husband keeps telling me that I shouldn’t rock her to sleep because it spoils her. When I don’t she lays in her bassinet and cries. I don’t feel like I am spoiling her I am her mom and I am soothing her. Yesterday while feeding her I had my phone in one hand catching up on emails and the bottle in the other and he complained “why can’t you put your phone down and feed her”? I explained to him I am feeding her and I have emails to catch up on. He nagged and said I need to be more attentive. I am getting really sick of this stuff, he makes me feel like I am horrible mom and how I parent is terrible I don’t know what to do ? I just had a c section and I am recovering and doing the best I can do. He said he feels like I am a little careless with her just cause I don’t do things his way.

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It’s not good to let them cry it out. It gives them trust issues. My daughter wouldn’t go to sleep without me rocking her either from when she was a newborn up until she was 3. After that you can do the cry it out method and they eventually get into the routine of going to sleep on their own. And of course you have to explain to them that they are turning into a big boy or girl and big kids go to sleep on their own. And breastfeeding is not easy. If you want to be on your phone be on your phone. Your baby doesn’t know the difference and they don’t mind. Think about it like this you don’t want to be stared at and bothered while you eat why would they. And you’re man just wants something to complain about it sounds like. I would just ignore him you’re doing awesome. Don’t give him the satisfaction. And keep it up!