Weight loss during pregnancy


So everyone has a New Years resolution and mine was to loose weight I’m 5’7 and weigh 222 lbs, ive been super insecure lately and unhappy with my body I’m only 20 and In high school I maintaining a good weight of about 170 I was working out regularly and after graduating I stopped working out and throughout covid I have a stationary job at home and I’ve gained so much weight 😞 I just found out that I was pregnant this month and I’m super excited but I’m bummed about my goal because I know excessive exercise is bad while pregnant, I’ve cut out all soft drinks and Stuck with just water I’m gonna see if that helps because it def helped with my weight lose in high school, I’m having difficulty managing my hunger aswell I normally eat breakfast around 8 am I work at 6am and as soon as I wake up I’m hungry and that’s not normal for me I’m thrown off my normal eatting schedule so I’m just really looking for some tips to manage hunger, and lose weight and not harm my current pregnancy. Anything will help thank you