Food Help!

Dear plus sized mommas....I desperately need your help. I’ve gained so much weight this pregnancy. I need to lose some. Or at least take control of my body again. I’m looking for healthy food meal plans or ideas. Structure for my day maybe? I’m NOT trying to starve myself by any means....I just need to get back on track. I don’t want to continue on the downward spiral that I’m on or continue to use the “you’re growing a human” excuse. I’ve become overly exhausted doing simple things (this is my fourth pregnancy, so I know normal, expected exhaustion from what I’m experiencing) and my maternity clothes don’t fit right this time around. Please help. I plan to talk with my Dr at my next visit, but could use some encouragement and help in the mean time.

*ive made this anonymous to keep any hateful people from coming at me ✌🏼