Everything Kitty Help


Always a dog owner but took in a kitten a month ago. Poor guy was in the yard in the rain and nearly frozen to death. Plan was to get him healthy, vaccinated, and fixed then find him a home. Well, we all got attached and I think “Grey Kitty” is here to stay.

After a quick google and the realization this guy is going to be around for possible the next 15-18 years 😬😮, I NEED suggestions.

Suggestions on litter and litter box. I gag terribly every time I clean his box, which is every morning! I can’t really see myself cleaning shit and gaging every day for the next 15 years. Is there something that controls the smell better? Are automated machines worth the couple of 100 bucks?

I have tried two natural litters so far, one corn and one pine. I didn’t care for either. The smell... ugh. We all love the little guy and we want him to stay, I just need to find a better bathroom situation. Suggestions?

Also, he still doesn’t have a name? Any suggestions there??

Grey Kitty and Benny: