Husband doesn’t help

So tired of dealing with a husband who is really a shitty father. Yes he works to support us and is nice to our son but he is 0 help. He never helps me even on his days off. When he works he comes home tired, fair enough relax. But he’s off normally 3 days a week and all he does is sits on his ass watching tv. Let’s my son make a mess because he knows I’m The one who is going to clean up, doesn’t help me clean, has only changed 5 diapers (my son is now 2.5 years old) I always cook nice meals for him and have the house clean yet he can’t do shit around the house. Yet he wants to butt in with parenting my son, if you want to have a say and parent then act like one 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have told him many times how I feel and to help. He Doesn’t change