Am I not attracted to him no more?

This might be t.m.I for some.

I have been with my fiancé for 3 years, but i have started to not urge sex. Idk if it’s with him because it is always the same positions or me that just stopped wanting to have sex with him , as bad as that sounds. I do do it to myself because sometimes I want to release 😖. Can someone please explain what is going on? Did I just stop finding him attractive or what can I do ? He is a great guy, he treats me well, my whole family loves him I love him.nobody has ever treated me like he has, so it’s not that I’m emotionally drained from him. I just don’t urge having sex with him idk if it’s body or my body ( we both have gained a few pounds due to quarantine) or I’m just tired of the same thing? What can I do?