Green Mucus poo?



A few days after this post my girl started getting VERY congested and started playing with her ear. So I took her to the PED thinking she had an ear infection. They said she had a cold but ears looked fine and green poo was just from the cold. 2 days later she was inconsolable and had a diaper with blood in it. I took her back and it turns out she now had an ear infection. The blood was from a tare in her bum from forcefully pooping and diarrhea. She is on antibiotics and tylenol. I hate seeing her upset and in pain like this 😪

First off I will be calling my daughter's Dr. Today.. but wanted some insight from others as well... my daughter has been having green mucus diapers on and off for a week. She will be 3 months this week and is EBF. She seems to be struggling to poop and when she does it is literally explosive, very loud (is this normal?). She has had about 3 diapers a day like this and has blown out almost each time. She seems perfectly fine otherwise, no fever or lethargy. Often cries after feedings and poops either during feeding or right after. Any insight or advice from others would be helpful, thanks in advance!