INTENSE uterus pain so bad i lose hearing/nearly lose vision/cold sweats/etc.


hi so, hear me out. this may be long and rambling but please. please. i need help. (i know i probably need to go to the doctor and i probably will but, for now. please give advice)

im 19. had my period since i was 11. it’s always been very heavy and painful (even off my period) until i got on birth control at 15 because they found multiple cysts on both ovaries (never diagnosed with PCOS or anything though).

around this time last year, maybe closer to spring but regardless, i randomly got such intense, awful pains in my uterus, so different from any cramps or ruputuring cysts i’ve ever had. i nearly blacked out/passed out, my vision and hearing were going in and out. i actually got nauseous and threw up from how painful. i laid on my stomach and finally they calmed down and stopped. i can only explain the type of pain as like… how i’d imagine contractions feeling?

this happened again yesterday. for nearly an hour. from about 13:00-14:47 to be exact. didnt throw up this time (probably because i knew not to try to move so much this time), but same concept. very intense. i lost hearing until my ears started RINGING very loudly and almost like staticky? i was sweating all over, i felt my shins sweating. cold, shaking, scared.

neither time have i been on my period. it starts and ends very suddenly. also disclaimer, the only connection between the two times I’ve been able to make is that they’ve happened a few weeks after me trying to stop taking my birth control because i don’t like how it effects me mentally and emotionally. but it seems like physically i have to have it.

please give any advice or similar stories. im afraid.