In need of wider latching techniques

Maddie • Mama of a beautiful boy & angel twin boys💙👶👼👼🤍👼 Still trying for baby #2🌈🤍

I currently have a 5 day old baby boy and I can’t seem to get him to open up wide enough for a good deep latch. Right when he was born he seemed to have a very good latch and did for the first few days. Around day 3 my nipples were starting to burn and one of them was cracking and bleeding. He gets extremely fussy if he does not latch on right away. I’ve tried different holds, putting his nose to the nipple, putting a little bit of milk on his upper lip etc. He will open up wide at first and then when he tries to latch he will close his mouth more and sometimes back away to do it all himself. Every time before he latches he moves his head left to right a lot so it is very hard to get some control to have him open up wider. We’ve tried to get him to settle down before feeding- rocking, walking, singing, bouncing, and skin to skin before feedings. It does hurt right when he latched but after a few minutes it’s not that bad. Seeking any kind of advise to help get a wider latch. He seems to be okay with it and getting enough milk but it is pretty uncomfortable for me at times. Wondering if anyone has any other good ideas/techniques to having baby get a wider/deeper latch?