Pcos? Hormonal imbalance? HELP !!

so heres a story for you guys to read and help me out! Give me your feedback!!

.... i had protected sex on the month of June and a few days after i had sex i noticed i started to spot lightly and this spotting just began to get a bit heavier almost like a period and i also had back aches and horrible cramping. July came and i was still bleeding so i made an appointment with my gynecologist and explained to her the story and i did ask if there was a chance i could be pregnant and she said “your chances were very very slim i think your fine”. So she didnt do a pregnancy test on me but she did do other tests on me to check my (prolactin, 17-oh progesterone,DHEA SULFATE (dhea-s),trygliceride,hdl cholesterol) a few days later i got my results back and i had a high prolactin level and she mentioned a few other things and said by everything iv told her amd seen i also have hair growing on my chin she said from the looks of it i have PCOS so she decided to put me on provera and birth control to see if i got a withdrawl bleed and i did ! The birth control was started on the first day of my provera withdrawal bleed and i got my period twice that month. from the provera withdrawal bleed and again when i finished my pack of the birth control, September i got my period , and that month i also stopped taking the birth control because i felt horrible on it ! October i got my period without any hormonal pills and December i didnt get a period and January im still waiting. I took several pregnancy test and they came back negative and i also got a blood pregnancy test done on me and it came back negative. Im feeling bloated, i never feel full , and sometimes i feel horrible cramps like last night !! Whats going on with me? If i was pregnant and on birth control would i still be getting a period? HELP ME !!!!