My fiance just found out she has PCOS


So my fiance is 32, she has not had a period in over a year, so I told her to set up an appointment with a Obgyn and get a pap, well she gets a pap and blood test, the OB tells her that her ovaries are pretty swollen.

Fast forward we had a ultrasound setup, come.find out she has PCOS, her body isn't releasing her eggs, so her ovaries are super swollen, her uterine lining is not thick it is good, but her labs came back with borderline diabetes. Because she has not had a regular period, apparently she hasn't cycled and the eggs have not dropped. This is also causing testosterone to being released in her body.

Her ob put her on Provera to help start a period, and metformin, and clomid for when she ovulates.

She came out super discouraged and upset, she keeps thinking she cannot have a baby. I am trying my best to keep her positive.

Has anyone else dealt with this??