Need advice


Hey, everyone. I need help. I’ve been dating this guy for about two to three years. I’m 20 and he’s 21. He’s been my first everything (first kiss, time, etc). The last time I was at his house we decided to try smoking weed together. It was my second time trying it with him and he’s been doing it for awhile. So we smoked and his mom called us in the kitchen. I was so high it was a little hard for me to pay attention. While we were in the kitchen she brought up how she could tell I was high and was trying to keep myself calm.

She asked me why do I sometimes ask my boyfriend to come to the bathroom with me. Then she said I don’t know why you’re scared to go to the bathroom by yourself, you be having sex with my son in my house and everything else. I told her you have a big dog walking around and I just don’t trust the dog. I felt like I was being attacked. She was yelling at me and then when I started to get emotional (something that I can usually hide if I don’t smoke) She came to me and tried to tell me it was a joke. I don’t feel like it was a joke.

From what I was told by him, everyone was ok with it. He was told as long as he pays his share of the rent he could do whatever basically. His family doesn’t like me for some reason. I know they don’t. I can tell. His sister told him before that she doesn’t like me (awhile ago but she still said it). She said every time he’s upset it’s because of me (I was in college and he had these toxic tendencies so we would break up and get back together). Now she keeps trying to get me to come to her house and chill with them. I’m a little skeptical about it.

Any advice?

What do y’all think I should do?