Baby girl has COVID


Hi ladies so all of us in the family got tested positive for COVID. It was mi worst nightmare to have my kids positive. We have take all the precautions since all this started I work from home so I don’t really go no where we are thinking my husband got it at work. We are 10 days post being positive and my question is has anyone’s else’s babies have had COVID? I’m a nervous reck they had fever for the first three days and then it went away and they’ve been slowly getting back to normal. Now my daughter has had his temperature in one ear at a steady 99.1 everyday. Today she woke up from her nap and it was 100.6 for a few minutes she was sleeping in that ear maybe that’s why it was 100.6 after I moved her it went down and it has been 99.1 no higher than 99.3 in the left ear the right ear is 98.6. 🙄. I don’t know if Over reacting but it’s been 5 days since the last time they got symptoms does anyone know of symptoms can come back? She is also teething so maybe that’s why? Sorry I’ve been just a mess with this it has hit our family hard.