Baby 3D scan before and after - differences?


Hi lovely ladies.

I've just had my 39+4 check up, and had a 3D scan. I feel terrible for saying this, but I'm concerned about my Dr's comment of 'baby looks grumpy', which was in reference to baby's very large over pronounced, protruding upper lip (which seems to be getting bigger during each scan), and downward mouth. Baby also seems to have a large nose (as do I) and forehead. I know it's ridiculous to worry how baby will look, I'm just concerned whether there's any problems. This is my first, and we're Team Green. Has anyone else had experience of seeing their baby differently on scans, vs how baby looks after it comes out? I love seeing these pics of my baby, but the recent ones have now caused concern, so I guess it's not always wise to have these pics done, though it's standard at each scan where I live.