A guy I went to school with killed himself....

I just found out with guy I went to school with, Elementary through High School, killed himself. What's really sad is no one was even really that surprised. He was the quiet kid and someone who was easy to pick on. He had a lot of demons. The thing that just makes me hurt and feel guilty is I was actually friends with this person for quite a while. We were friends from second grade to about half of 9th grade. I ended up getting new friends though... And with these new friends, I hung out with him less and less until we couldn't really consider ourselves friends anymore, which is pretty shitty I know. I do think it is wrong to abandon someone you've been friends with for so long for a group of friends who didn't even last passed High School. This guy was definitely the type to stay friends with someone for a long time because even though he was a little troubled, he was a really loyal friend. He congratulated me when I got into a University. We weren't even really friends at the time and my "friends" didn't even really care and even told me they were surprised I got in. Weird thing, something told me to message him last week. I still have a picture from when we were kids on my wall and I looked at it and something told me to message him. I couldn't figure out why but I felt like I needed to check up on him, but I decided not to because we hadn't talked in 5 years so I thought it would just be weird. I found out he killed himself two days ago... That was hard. I am thinking about reaching out to his mom. Sbe is the absolutely sweetest lady in the whole world and has always treated me with love. I feel really sad and wish I didn't let our friendship go. The people who I pretty much ditched him to be friends with weren't even that good of friends. I also wonder if he had just one friend would that have stopped him from killing himself. I know I can't change the past and I'm hurting a lot because I remember all our times together, but I did take this opportunity to send my friends messages knowing I care a lot about them. I plan on being as loyal of a friend as he was. RIP Kyle❤