Please tell me if I’m the wrong one in here or not.

I don’t care if I’m wrong because if I am, I would step up, own my mistake and apology appropriately. That’s me. So, in this certain situation that happened today, I really need to know if I’m the wrong one in this situation or not. So, please let me know after reading this:

Okay. My 1 year old son came in the kitchen from the living room when I was making lunch food for him and he held up a piece of broken glass in his hand. Of course, I dropped everything and came to him checking all the cuts if he got it or not but luckily, he didn’t have a cut then I found that he had a piece of broken glass in his mouth and luckily, I got it out of his mouth at a right time. Thank God. I went to my living room to inspect which I found out that somehow he grabbed my glass cup from my computer desk. And all the broken pieces were all over the floor. Mind you, we are living in a studio so there’s no separate room where I can put my son away so I can clean it up without him walking around in the living room. I had to woke his dad up so he could watch our son while I clean it up. After I was done, his dad became so cranky and grumpy just because I woke him up from his sleep. Understand that he is working overnight tonight. Of course, I understand that. But why would he be so upset over the fact I woke him up? I mean, I needed his help with just watch our son while I cleaned up the broken pieces. I felt like he cared more about get more sleep than the safety of our son, I dk. Please tell me if I’m the wrong one for waking him up or not. I’m just genuinely confused.


Many of you wondered why I didn’t hear the glass broke and not only that, why he wasn’t in a play pen or his high chair.

I understand your concern and I thank you for care for my child even though you don’t know him. But still. Thank you.

To answer your questions,

I didn’t hear it because unfortunately, I’m literally 100% deaf in both ears since the birth. I think it’s time for me to get myself the hearing aids. I was stupid for took down the play pen just because I thought he didn’t need it anymore and I did not even think about put him in his high chair when I just freaked out with the broken glass. I just went to my fiancé immediately. But I will def keep that in my mind in case next time it happens but it won’t ever happen again.

My fiancé and I didn’t have a spat over that at all. I promise. I was just confused and I wanted to understand the situation better. So, I read all of your comments and it helped me feel better knowing I didn’t do anything wrong and he was just cranky which was understandable. He came to me apologized for his behavior and I told him it’s all good.

Everything is good now. Thank you ladies 😊