My male best friend told me something in his car

I've been best friends with this guy since 3rd grade and we are in community college together. Everyone constantly said we were gonna end up getting married because we were so close. I started to develop a crush on him and honestly got jealous whenever he would get a girlfriend in High school. He called me up saying he wanted to talk to me and asked if he could pick me up. He picked me up and took us to the park. We sat in the parking lot and he said he had something to tell me. I really thought he was gonna tell me he had feelings for me. He said he was gay. That caught me off guard so much. I had never once gotten the vibe that he was gay. He starts crying and saying he understands if we can't be friends anymore. My family is Catholic and very religious. I stared at him for a good minute and then said "Let's go to McDonald's. I'll pay." He stopped crying and looked at me and I gave him a hug. I had never really met anyone who was openly gay. I never knew how hard it was to the point he would think I would drop him as a friend just because he's gay. I can't imagine how long he's wanted to tell me. Sure I was originally hoping he was gonna say he liked me, but honestly I'm even more happy that he trusts me enough to be the first person he came out to.❤