Feel like my boyfriend doesn’t get it

The last few days I’ve been feeling so off. Idk what it is, maybe it’s from sitting in the house for the past 14 weeks with a newborn. Maybe it’s because my boyfriend leaves for work at 10am and doesnt get home until 10pm. Idk. He came home last night and kept asking me why I was mad at him and I’m trying to explain to him I’m not mad at him, that I just feel like I have no time to myself and I can’t wait to get back to work so I can just be alone for a while. (Before the baby we didn’t live together nor have I ever lived with a man so having him and the baby both in my house that I previously lived alone in for 8 years was a big difference) i told him I turned into a housewife overnight & idk what happened to my life. I just need a break I need a couple hours to myself, without him making weird jokes to “cheer me up” without our son screaming all day and night. I was just venting because HE ASKED ME WHAT WAS WRONG. Then it totally got flipped on me, “that’s what happens when you become a mom and you’re in a relationship blah blah blah” I’m not an idiot I’m well aware what I signed up for but I said to him “you’re gone for 12 hours a day! How about we switch rolls and I’ll be gone for 12 hours and you sit in the house” then he went on to try to compare his life before me with his ex(they have a child together) & I cut that shit real quick. “That isn’t your life now, I am NOT that girl and you know it damn well. She was okay to be dependent on you sitting at home waiting for you and spending all your money but I am not. I am independent and you know I don’t need you or your money, you’re here because I want you to be not because I need you to be” & we haven’t talked since last night. I feel bad for how bad the argument went, but he asked me why I was feeling down and I was being honest. Should I have just kept it all to myself? Im not trying to be selfish I know he’s working hard too. But not having any kind of adult interaction all day can really get you down. Idk I feel like I should have just smiled though how upset I was but then what’s the point of having a boyfriend if I can’t talk about how I’m feeling?