Husband has a problem

My husband doesn’t like “porn” because it’s fake to him and he claims all those pornstars have fucked a lot of guys so he goes and search for his “own” porn. He looks for girls to jerk off to, girls who have nice bodies and are cute. Recently he made a Snapchat just to talk to one girl and get nudes from her and he claimed that was his way of getting “porn”. Sadly he doesn’t view it as cheating like I do, he views it as just getting his own porn and that it means nothing. He said he’s not double standard and would let me do the same with guys to masturbate, he said the only way it would be cheating is if he’s sending them nudes or if I do it and send them nudes too. He has legit kept talking to this girl knowing that I think it’s wrong and am heartbroken over this, he said he planned to jerk off to her but he said once he got the nudes they were “underwhelming” and they weren’t what he thought, he said they were “good” nudes but just wasn’t what he was expecting but he has continued to give her attention, flirt with her, be sexual. Instead of realizing he has a problem, he says he doesn’t and that there’s other guys that are worse. I found pictures from other girls before in the past who he has jerk off to, fake accounts... just so much. I honestly stayed for my child as I am pregnant but I don’t think I can handle this I’m so hurt. I honestly feel like I’m not even enough for him because he chooses to do this, he’s fantasizing about them not me and he’s searching for them. It makes me uncomfortable. Please give me advice, this can’t be normal.