If you want to leave but feel like you can’t...


Just wanted to give you ladies some hope. I’ve always been a huge advocate of therapy and working on things, but at some point you realize you just can’t do it anymore.

I was married to my husband for 5 years, have two kids with him, and he cheated on me almost the entire 5 years. I found out when I was pregnant with my 2nd that he had actually been having sex with one of the women (before that I had only known about texting/sexting/calling). I totally lost it, kicked him out, but eventually let him come back because my son missed him so much and I did too.

To his credit, he did change. He went on antidepressants, which he had needed. He cut ties with all of the women, and we went to therapy regularly. I had my daughter, we bought a house, and I tried to convince myself that we could stay together forever.

I hope your stories end differently with your marriages ladies, but I left him. I couldn’t imagine intimacy with him, couldn’t trust him, and I was suicidally depressed (although on medication.)

It is the BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE. I moved 3 states north to be close to my family, and took my kids. I help him see the kids whenever he has time. I don’t make him pay child support (I know, I know.). I am exhausted, a full time single mom, and I am FREE. I am so happy, my anxiety is GONE, and I know that no matter what, I have made the right decision for myself and my kids.

Not every woman struggling with their marriage will get to this point. But if you get to the point where you KNOW you need to leave but don’t know how, still love him, and think if you leave it will hurt forever- you can do it!!!!

Just wanted to give some hope for someone who needs a little push :) you are strong enough!