Slow rising Hcg

So I’ve had a history of an ectopic in the past. So when I have a positive test, My doc brought me in to do the early ultrasound. We saw something in my uterus but no fetal pole. I should be around 5 weeks and four days. They did an Hcg draw and my number was 5417. Two days later we did it again and it was only 5637. I’m saddened by this news. Although this baby wasn’t planned we were getting excited. I have another blood draw on Monday. Then another ultrasound on Thursday. It seems like even the doctor is waiting for me to miscarry. I was just hoping for some love and prayers.

What was y’all’s experience? What should I prepare for?

Just an update :

So lab came back today.

Wednesday 26th 5417

Friday 29th 5637

Monday 1st 6681

Ultrasound on Thursday.


I ended up having some low level cramps so my ob made me go to the Er. However, we did a scan and so far we see fetal pole and sac plus a flicker of a heartbeat. 💞 we are just going to keep praying baby bean sticks around. Just got the results back. 9461! Holy cannoli. That’s a big jump in 24 hours