40+2 still no baby!


I'm 40+2 and still no baby! This is my 3rd and I for sure thought I would have him by 39 weeks and I just feel irritated and overly emotional now! Just 3.5 cm dilated, 30% effaced and he's -1 station. Went walking today so hopefully something happens!

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I remember feeling this exact same way!! I was set to be induced at 40+3 and I went into labor all on my own at 40+2. It happens so randomly, dont lose hope! I was literally just standing in line at a clothes store and BAM contraction. I had her that night. She's 3.5 weeks old now and time is flyinggg. Any moment now, mama. Hang in there ❤


Samantha • Feb 4, 2021
Thank you. My midwife keeps telling me it's okay and he will come. I'm just so impatient and obviously uncomfortable. Having alot of prodromal labor!


Posted at
Also my third, first boy and I’m 40+3 today. 🙄


Samantha • Feb 1, 2021
I'm so tired of my husband asking me "how do you feel right now"..I told him if my uterus changes I'll let you know but stop asking!


Posted at
I'm 40+1 and 4 centimeters 90%effaced and -1 station and also my 3rd baby it's aggravating lol


mo • Feb 1, 2021
That's true!


Samantha • Feb 1, 2021
I've had 2 sweeps so far and nothing. But she said my cervix is so high and soft like butter that everytime she gets in to do a sweep my cervix moves! At least its soft and ready to go!


mo • Feb 1, 2021
I'm seeing mine Tuesday afternoon! I haven't had a sweep yet but i think I'm gonna ask!