What worked for me to cure my morning sick ness


I’m only sharing because I had never ever heard of this as a treatment for morning sickness until my OB put me on it and it’s an over the counter Med not a prescription.

TL;DR Below.

When I was 6 weeks pregnant my morning sickness was so bad I couldn’t even keep water down. I’m on other medications too so I couldn’t take them either because of it and that was super dangerous for me. I didn’t eat or drink more than half a bottle of water a day for 4 days so I went to the ER in agony asking for any kind of IV Med to make the nausea stop. It felt like my stomach was eating itself, it was awful and I was super dehydrated.

The ER doc literally rolled his eyes and acted like it was “just” morning sickness and to calm down. I wasn’t even freaking out but I was dry heaving so bad and couldn’t stop.

He had the nurse put 50mg of Benadryl in my IV and it almost instantly took it all away. I had never heard of antihistamines working for nausea but apparently they work very very well for it. And

Unisom is a bit stronger and stays in your system much longer than Benadryl so you can take it at bedtime (it’s an OTC antihistamine sleep aid so it’ll also help you sleep!) and it will stay in your system enough all day to keep the nausea away. It doesn’t make me drowsy during the day either. You can also combine it with a vitamin B6 pill and the combo can be a little extra help towards kicking the nausea out for good. I’ve skipped a night by accident before and the whole next day my all day sickness was absolutely awful, so I know for sure it’s the Unisom working for me.

Just wanted to share. Of course always consult your OB before starting or stopping any medication, even if it’s an over the counter Med like this. But if you’re suffering from bad nausea, def ask your doctor about trying Unisom!


Unisom works great for morning sickness, and nausea in general. Completely took my awful all day sickness away by taking it once a night. Consult your OB before taking it