Is it wrong to be honest about how you feel about a pregnancy?

I'm pregnant with number four. It wasn't planned and I'm struggling quite a bit with it. I know the baby will be loved once born, but it's hard right now because we had decided we were done. We recently announced the pregnancy to family and friends. I'm very close with my mother in law, closer than to my real mom. So when she asked how I was feeling I was honest and said I was struggling because it was an unplanned pregnancy and I had been feeling done before this . When my husband heard about it he got so upset, saying that what I said sounds awful. I told him even though a pregnancy is unplanned and even unwanted doesn't mean the baby won't be loved and cherished while here. Obviously it will be. He disagrees and says I'm embarrassing him. I feel like I need support and that it's not wrong for me to tell people close to me that it was unplanned and that I'm struggling with coming to terms with it. I am also clear when talking to people that I'm sure I just need time and that there's no doubt the baby will be loved. But maybe I should keep to myself? I wouldn't think it was wrong if he was the one struggling.