Reassurance 🤞🏻


I was diagnosed with insulin resistant PCOS in February of 2020. I started Provera & Metformin in March of 2020, but never ovulated. In November 2020 I started taking letrozole 2.5mg on day 3-7 of my cycle.

Fast forward to January 2021 :

I started Provera January 1st - January 10th.

New cycle started Jan 12th & lasted until Jan 18th.

Took Letrozole Jan 14th-18th.

I decided to take a pregnancy test in January 28th (PreMom predicted Ovulation date) & got a VVVVFL. I tested again on the 29th & 30th. I went today (February 1, 2021) & had blood work done. I won’t be getting my results back until tomorrow.

On the 29th I had bleeding only when wiping. It was very different. (Picture below)

I’m really worried with the line not progressing more with the test I’m taking, could a chemical be possible? Am I stressing myself out?

Pictures of test below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

*Pictures are in order*