Painful breasts - help


I have a 5 week old. He has been a breastfeeding champ! Things have been so easy. With my first son I struggled and had pain all the time. This time I had zero engorgement and no pain at all, seemed to be producing the perfect amount for his needs, etc. A week ago I started pumping once a day so the nanny could feed him a middle of the night bottle. I would sleep as long as I could then pump. Two nights I probably went too long before pumping (until 6/630am) so the last two nights I have gotten up and fed the baby instead of pumping. I do not feel any clogged ducts but my breasts are just very achy and Extremely sore to the touch. Ibuprofen helped last night but once that wore off it was back. I’ve done hot showers, massage, heated breast pads. Could pumping alone cause this? Any other tips?