He’s mad at me!!?

Today is my ex’s birthday, we’ve been talking and like dating again for awhile but we are not officially back together. He had to work today on his birthday so I’m treating him to dinner tomorrow night as he was pretty tired tonight after work. He wanted to watch a movie on FaceTime tonight tho so that’s what we did. In the midst of the movie he told me “I’m about to pull up” when he says this he means slide by to have sex. I’m 20 going on 21 and I’m still living with my parents, he turned 23 today. We obviously are not intimate under my roof as we tried that before and got caught by my dad (wasn’t pretty). I told him he couldn’t pull up tonight bc he’d come late and I’d have to sneak out (I’ve done it before with my mom only home and sleep since she sleeps hard) but my dad isn’t working tonight so he’s home and I can’t even pull that stunt with him here and I don’t wanna risk another situation as he obviously wouldn’t be fond of me sneaking out to have sex. He got mad at me and started calling me a “kid” and a “child” and he kept saying “but it’s my birthday and you’re my girl” and it made me feel bad and when I told him it did, his response was “good, it should”. Then he said he’ll just find someone else who will since I won’t, he told me “thanks for making my bday great” and then he didn’t wanna finish the movie so he hung up. I feel bad bc it is his birthday but I can’t put myself in a risky position with my parents especially since my parents are far from dumb