Would you stay or leave if it was your man ?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. We’ve had our fair share of rough patches but we are finally on the path up in a healthy and strong direction❤️

In the past, we had little to no communication. When I would get mad, I would explode. And when he would get mad, he would hold it in and not express his feelings.

We’re finally on the same page with our communication skills and not exploding/holding in feelings anymore🥰 BUT.. my boyfriend has admitted to cheating during one of our rough patches.. as in, he downloaded tinder back and was swiping. No messages were sent and he said after a while he deleted the app again because it didn’t feel right.

In no way am I saying what he did was right, but I can understand why he did it because we weren’t in a good place and i didn’t even think we were going to last during that time. But now I can’t shake the thought that it might happen again or it could be something more serious like sleeping with another girl.

He’s taking the steps to gain my trust back. He’s so patient and gives me the reassurance I need, he doesn’t dismiss my feelings, and I feel that he genuinely is sorry.

What would y’all do ? Has anyone else been in a similar situation and it was successful ?

(I’m sure most people are going to say to leave.. but I would appreciate only positive comments)

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