Ignoring me

So my fiancé and I had an argument a few days ago right before I left for work. We didn’t get to talk about it because I got home “too late” and he needed to go to bed for work the next day. And then the next day, the exact same excuse. (He works 9-5 and I usually work anywhere between 2 and 5 until the restaurant closes, so home by like 11). And yesterday was the same excuse. Monday I wrote him a note explaining why I was upset and just how I felt and viewed the whole situation and why I reacted the way I did. I know it’s not ideal but given the lack of time we’ve gotten to see eachother, it seemed easiest. I asked him if he could either write me back or verbally tell me his response when I got home and we could go from there. Because obviously he’s going to view the whole situation differently than I did. But he says he read it, but doesn’t seem to want to respond at all. Like we argued Sunday morning, he read the note Monday while I was at work, and today is Wednesday and still nothing has happened with it, and nothing has changed. I messaged and asked if we could talk later because I don’t close, so I should be home by like 8 instead of 11, he read the message and didn’t even reply.

There’s so much to go into about the fight that I’m not going to explain it all but in short, he never wants to spend time with me. Like we don’t have days off together because I work weekends, and the couple hours we could be together, he plays video games. Every single day. And if he’s not on his game, he’s scrolling through Facebook. It’s like he doesn’t even exist, if I speak, he doesn’t hear me. He says I’m obsessed with him and need to find things to occupy myself. But we have a toddler and I have a job. I’m plenty occupied, but is it so wrong to want him to spend a day with me and off his game? Like all I ask is a day out of the week to spend with me and our kid. Even our son hates his video game and cries when he gets on the computer, because he misses him too.

Edited to add our conversation when he finally messaged back

(I only said he wasn’t working because at the time he read my message, he was messaging back and forth with another girl, he left his computer in and it was dinging and that’s how I knew he was ignoring me and not just busy, but if I call him out then I’m crazy and snooping even though I didn’t go looking)

And this is when he stopped responding.