Ovulation?? Advice/opinions please!!


I’ve been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> since CD 8 and I think I missed my peak on CD 13 or 14 bc the lines haven’t been that dark since (first pic). Today (CD 17) I noticed some light spotting mixed with cm earlier (roughly 3:30/3:45). I had ewcm CD 14 and most of CD 15. I don’t remember noticing any yesterday, but I’ve found it hard to keep track of cm when we’re having sex more than once a day. This is the first day in this cycle (other than my very obvious period) that I’ve had spotting or any blood at all. Could this mean that I did ovulate CD 13, 14, or possibly 15? If not, what does it mean?

I’m also attaching this photo in case it means anything/could help with this. (Side note: I think we have good chances good month as long as I did ovulate when I think I did 😁🤞🏼)