Loss of sex drive after baby

I've been married for a little over 2 years now and I have a 15 month old. After having her sex was painful for a while and I honestly didn't want to have sex most of the time. After a few months and less breastfeeding to only night feedings some of my sex drive came back but I am still struggling. My husband is basically in the mood every day but still respects me and doesn't pressure me. But most of the time when he grabs my butt or talks "sexy" to me I just cringe inside. Most days I'm not looking forward for the night when I know he's going to make the first move. I don't know what to do. Before my baby my sex drive was through the roof. And now I barely every get in the mood first or make the first move. I miss my old sex drive 😭 I'm also not on any birth control or medication.