Slipped & Fell on ice - 12 weeks


I was so excited this morning because I literally just hit 12 weeks! I also had the pleasure of being congratulated by morning sickness 😅 even though I felt like I was in the clear for awhile!

So on top of that, I was leaving work and had a little slip and fall on some ice. I don’t think I could of landed in a better position though. My right leg somehow bent and acted like a cushion under my butt, so all my weight went to my knee, which took the entire blunt of the fall. I basically fell like I was sitting straight down Indian style. With one leg out lol.

I think I scared the piss out of my coworkers, but I really did and still feel perfectly fine. There’s that 0.00001% of me that is concerned though.

Should I call my doctor? We have a scan already scheduled in 5 days.

Ice: 1

Knee: 0