Extremely painful sex

Hey girlies! So I’ve only had sex with one partner, not sure if that would pertain to my issue here but I’ve been having some issues having sex.

It’s extremely painful- to the point I want to scream lmao 🙄🙄 my OB says it’s normal but I honestly don’t believe her. I think she’s trying to push away my problems because it’s been 5 months since I’ve lost my virginity and I’ve been having sex since and it hasn’t gotten any better what so ever. I’m currently a few days away from being 12 weeks pregnant but the pain level hasn’t changed. Still very very painful. I feel like no ones listening to me. We’ve tried everything from lube to a LOT of foreplay.

I was thinking it could be because he’s bigger and I’m petite, but that doesn’t really mean anything (I don’t think) because we have had sex multiple times and nothing has changed. It isn’t even rough, but it feels that way.

I feel upset because I want to have sex but it feels impossible. I can only get off by myself and I don’t want that to always be the case. I’m not sure what to do. I’m really upset because it makes me feel not normal. The one thing is, most of the time he has a very shitty teen girl attitude and I think that could have something to do with it because it gets very annoying to the point I leave to my friends house sometimes.