Flashy Face first positive reading


So I had been feeling so disheartened. Seeing people's positive opk lines was beautiful but I started to think something was wrong with me... Weeks of peeing in tuppaware getting nowhere (at one point I did actually spill wee into my knickers and leggings, not my finest moment 😂🙈) ovulation strips with a single line absolutely sod all second line 🙄 but today I've had my first Flashy face positive reading and I could scream... I'm so flipping happy. Even if this month doesn't see a positive pregnancy result... I have confirmation that things are working and it's a relief to say the least. So my advice is to any girlys reading this feeling they aren't getting anywhere, you're not alone... Keep trying!! I've always worried about my fertility due to having a disastrous first smear (had to have a colposcopy to get rid of cancerous cells at the hospital, it was bloody awful but thank god I didn't miss it ) but today I do feel on top of the world and it's a great feeling. Baby dust to all ❤️💕 we will all get there, we are all different and we are all worthy and beautiful 💓