3 year old taking naps??

My daughter is going to be 3 this month and suddenly in the last 2 weeks she has been fighting me when it’s time for her to take a nap. I’ve been trying but tend to just give up (after about 30 min of trying) I also have a 3 month old so it makes it difficult to force my daughter to lay down while usually holding my son. She always says she’s not tired and she doesn’t seem to get cranky or act up anymore than typical. My husband thinks she doesn’t need to take a nap anymore but I feel like she’s still really young and should be. I’ve thought about trying quiet time in her room if nothing else just so I can get at least 30 minutes to get some things done/have a little break... Does anyone else have a 3 year old who doesn’t take naps? Or any recommendations on how to get her back into her old routine..?