Pregnancy sex

Hello everyone, I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant and lately my husband and I have not been having sex really. I’m actually kind of embarrassed to post this but I felt like I could use some advice from some of you lovely ladies here. I’ve had a miscarriage before our miracle baby so that makes me already worried but it’s the fact that I have major cramps from having an orgasm or from being penetrated. It honestly scares me and I’ll just stop all together. Thankfully my husband is super understanding and supportive as we talk about it and he even goes on to doing his own research when it comes to pregnancy lol. My doctor did say sex was normal during pregnancy and we should be fine but I just can’t seem to stop worrying and enjoy it. Plus it’s hard too when your cramping everytime you have sex or after. On top of the fact that I feel huge, uncomfortable and just well........blah :/ lol

Has this happened to anyone before? How did you handle this?