4 Weeks PP with PPD


I went in today to see my OB about me having PPD, and I’m so glad I did. Today, I felt like I had a more personal connection with him than I did my entire pregnancy. He got in the most real level with me and made me feel a little less like something was wrong with me. I’ve been so detached and so frustrated with every little thing. I get irritated at my baby when she cries and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I don’t sleep more than 2 hours a night still and that’s in increments so I’m always so crabby. I’ve been feeling hopeless during this first month. I’m hoping now that he gave me some medicine I can start feeling like myself and give my daughter and husband the mommy and wife they deserve. Being a mom is no joke. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but I love my girl so much I know it will be the most rewarding too.

Also, I was cleared today at 4 weeks pp!!! He said everything looks perfect and I’m set to go for intimacy. My husband is over the moon, I am terrified..... he gone have to wait! 😅