Hey guys! So my fiancé and I had conception on Jan. 31st and again on Feb. 3rd. According to my Flo app I am ovulating as of today. But, I took an ovulation test and it says neg. So, I’m assuming I ovulated early. I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2019. I have been having some mild cramps and a little pain-discomfort on my left and right side side. The ectopic happened on the right. I’ve never experienced this in my underwear before and it being so far out of my period. My last period was on the 23rd-29th of January. The cramps almost feel like a mild period cramp and a little nauseous. Not sure what is going on. Need some help guys! As you can see the blood is a little dark. I wiped and it’s like a pink color with some discharge?

**UPDATE** it’s the AM and I haven’t noticed anything, cramps have died down but they are still there, a few twinges. No pink blood. Mild creamy/watery discharge when I wiped. *cervix is medium, slightly open, semi firm maybe? I can’t really tell* if